Radio Silence

Post written by Marissa,

It’s been several months without an update, something I told myself I wouldn’t let happen. Rather than beat myself up about it, I’m just going to fill you in on the details and move on :)

Shortly after our time on the hard, we fixed the leaky starboard chainplates.

Then, winter was upon us. My parents came out to visit for Christmas, and we did our best to stay warm as temperatures dropped well below freezing. Here’s Shane hanging out on the couch with Zulu, our fluffiest fur-baby.

cat using paw to get human's attention
Sir, I need your attention.

It was so cold that the water in the pipes leading to our kitchen sink froze, completely solid. We had several days of snow on the ground, which historically has been uncommon in Seattle, although it’s been more frequent in recent years.

squirrel in the snow
It's so cold!

Winter is often known as “the long grey” in Seattle, and this year was no exception. January, February, May and June have all seen higher-than-average rainfall (source), and this was our primary excuse to do as little boat work as possible. Something about driving 30 minutes each way, in the cold and rain, to spend time working outside in the cold and rain, stifled our motivation. Instead, we hung out inside with the cats.

cat doing a blep
Zola, our other fur-baby, doing a blep.

We weren’t completely lazy during this time, however: we found a little time to do some landscaping, and Shane found a new job.

We planted one flower and three shrubs on the rare sunny day this Spring.

And now, it’s the week of the 4th of July, and both Shane and I took the week off for boat projects / adventures! We’ve been working on the boat every day; our goal is to finish renaming her and go for at least one small excursion by the end of the week.