Test Bilge Pumps
Frequency: weeklyItems Required
Procedure (Electric)
- Lift float switch, verify pump starts.
- Fill bilge chamber containing electric pump intake with 1 1/2" of water.
- Turn on “Manual Bilge Pump” at breaker panel.
- Verify that electric pump outlet expels water.
- Check that the water level in the bilge has dropped to about 1".
Procedure (Manual)
- Fill bilge chamber containing manual pump intake with 1" of water.
- Insert handle into manual bilge pump and pump until suction is lost.
- Verify that manual pump outlet expels water.
- Check that the water level in the bilge has dropped to about 1/2".
Maintenance History
Jul 24, 2022Jul 14, 2022Jul 06, 2022May 05, 2022Dec 11, 2021